Saturday 2 January 2010


Strikes again


Activities of the paranormal
These are the most recent photos I have uploaded onto my flickr.

What can I say, a lot has happened this year; alot I want to forget but more I want to remember forever. I wont go onto list e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g that has happened this year, but say, I am 100% looking forward to this new year and cannot believe how 2009 flew by so quickly.
I never really set 'official' resolutions, more like read a book/write a journal/ eat less sweets, which is usually forgotten about by the second week of January... However, this year I am writing them down and sticking to them !! (well try..ahem.)

1. Stop procrastinating.
2. Don't get caught up with guys.
3. Start writing. (I've never seen myself as a writer and never really thought I could write ((of my goodness, I just spelt that 'right' instead of 'write'-proven point much?)) but I want to give it ago. My friend Matt and I are going to try and work on a book, or a piece based on the 60s.)
4. Get a job.
5. Work on my and be more open about social anxiety/insomnia/phobias/panic disorder/obsessive compulsive disorder/etc (I've been asked alot of questions about this on this blog and other places, but have never really felt confident enough to share.  So, if there are any questions about anyone of these things/something related to it, or want me to explain my story with these then feel free to ask and i'll do a post on it )

This is all I can really think of at the moment, however, I'm sure i'll be adding to it!


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